Готовые сборки модов для world of tanks


Из фильма В центре вниманияИз фильма Ван ХельсингИз сериала Дневники ВампираИз фильма Скауты против зомбииз фильмов ‘Миссия невыполнима’Из фильма Голодные игры: Сойка-пересмешница. Часть 2OST ‘Свет в океане’OST «Большой и добрый великан»из фильма ‘Новогодний корпоратив’из фильма ‘Список Шиндлера’ OST ‘Перевозчик’Из фильма Книга джунглейиз сериала ‘Метод’Из фильма ТелохранительИз сериала Изменыиз фильма Мистериум. Тьма в бутылкеиз фильма ‘Пассажиры’из фильма ТишинаИз сериала Кухня. 6 сезониз фильма ‘Расплата’ Из фильма Человек-муравейиз фильма ПриглашениеИз фильма Бегущий в лабиринте 2из фильма ‘Молот’из фильма ‘Инкарнация’Из фильма Савва. Сердце воинаИз сериала Легко ли быть молодымиз сериала ‘Ольга’Из сериала Хроники ШаннарыИз фильма Самый лучший деньИз фильма Соседи. На тропе войныМузыка из сериала «Остров»Из фильма ЙоганутыеИз фильма ПреступникИз сериала СверхестественноеИз сериала Сладкая жизньИз фильма Голограмма для короляИз фильма Первый мститель: ПротивостояниеИз фильма КостиИз фильма Любовь не по размеруOST ‘Глубоководный горизонт’Из фильма Перепискаиз фильма ‘Призрачная красота’Место встречи изменить нельзяOST «Гений»из фильма ‘Красотка’Из фильма Алиса в ЗазеркальеИз фильма 1+1 (Неприкасаемые)Из фильма До встречи с тобойиз фильма ‘Скрытые фигуры’из фильма Призывиз сериала ‘Мир Дикого Запада’из игр серии ‘Bioshock’ Музыка из аниме «Темный дворецкий»из фильма ‘Американская пастораль’Из фильма Тарзан. ЛегендаИз фильма Красавица и чудовище ‘Искусственный интеллект. Доступ неограничен»Люди в черном 3’из фильма ‘Планетариум’Из фильма ПрогулкаИз сериала ЧужестранкаИз сериала Элементарноиз сериала ‘Обратная сторона Луны’Из фильма ВаркрафтИз фильма Громче, чем бомбыиз мультфильма ‘Зверопой’Из фильма БруклинИз фильма Игра на понижениеИз фильма Зачарованнаяиз фильма РазрушениеOST «Полный расколбас»OST «Свободный штат Джонса»OST И гаснет светИз сериала СолдатыИз сериала Крыша мираИз фильма Неоновый демонИз фильма Москва никогда не спитИз фильма Джейн берет ружьеИз фильма Стражи галактикииз фильма ‘Sos, дед мороз или все сбудется’OST ‘Дом странных детей Мисс Перегрин’Из игры Contact WarsИз Фильма АмелиИз фильма Иллюзия обмана 2OST Ледниковый период 5: Столкновение неизбежноИз фильма Из тьмыИз фильма Колония Дигнидадиз фильма ‘Страна чудес’Музыка из сериала ‘Цвет черёмухи’Из фильма Образцовый самец 2из фильмов про Гарри Поттера Из фильма Дивергент, глава 3: За стеной из мультфильма ‘Монстр в Париже’из мультфильма ‘Аисты’Из фильма КоробкаИз фильма СомнияИз сериала Ходячие мертвецыИз фильма ВыборИз сериала Королек — птичка певчаяДень независимости 2: ВозрождениеИз сериала Великолепный векиз фильма ‘Полтора шпиона’из фильма Светская жизньИз сериала Острые козырьки

Furniture Sprite sheets

Each Furniture ID can have three sprite sheets. They are distinguished by their second integer in their name, eg the Bulkhead sprite sheets are named:

The first integer is the furniture ID, in this case it is 1 for the Bulkhead. The second integer is the type of animation.

0, the idle animation of the furniture1, the interaction animation, such as doors opening2, the icon used for the GUI and ghost icon when placing

The last two integers are the dimensions for cutting the sprites.

You can also add the PPU (Pixels per unit) at the end of the file name, 32 is default. If you want to create a high res texture you can increase this, eg to double the resolution of a sprite, you might write: 1_0_200_400_64.png’ (using 200_400 dimension because your sprite would obviously be larger).

Note: All sprite sheets need to be divisible by 4. This is because each sprite sheet needs to contain all four possible rotations. Refer to some of the example mods. the order of these rotations are NW, NE, SW, SE. (The only exception is items with the DYNAMIC tag)

Version 1.3.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.8.1

Released on 2019-11-07

  • KSP 1.8
  • Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.12.1
  • Updated ModuleManager to 4.1.0
  • Updated NearFutureProps to 0.6.1
  • Recompiled plugin to target .NET 4.5
  • Took advantage of new B9PS features (UI, type descriptions) for most mesh switch options
  • Fixed Telescopic Clamp-O-Tron initial rotation being incorrect
  • Fixed missing brace in Coriolis config which broken centrifuge options
  • General UV tweaks and fixes to a lot of parts
  • Added new features to auto levelling bases
    • Some bugs with Auto-Level have been corected
    • Auto-Level can now be bound to an action group
    • Legs can now have FeetPointOutwards specified which constrains the feet to point out of the base
    • Base can now have MinimumAutoLevelDistance specified, which sets the miniumum extension when the autolevel button is pressed
  • New Extras package: StationPartsExpansionMetal
    • Adds a new bare metal variant surface to most parts
    • Flexible sections of inflatable modules remain the same
    • Insulated cargo modules remain the same
    • Adds two new metal-oriented endcap options (Bare and Handles (yellow))

Version 1.2.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.7.0

Released on 2019-04-23

  • KSP 1.7.x
  • Updated ModuleManager to 4.0.2
  • Updated NearFutureProps to 0.5.1
  • Update to Snacks compatibility (LouisCyfer)
  • Change to EPL productivity of habitats (thanks Starstrider42)
  • Updates to USI compatibility (thanks Dan-Shields and Boamere)
  • Removed accidentally included spin resources on small 1.25m centrifuge
  • Fixed collider inconsistency on 1.25m Utility module
  • Propagated new-style foil endcaps from Restock to all 2.5m parts
  • Propagated new-style hatches and airlocks from Restock to parts where appropriate
  • Propagated improvements to replacement docking port from Restock to replacement docking port (note, Metal/Insulated variants are still here!)
  • Propagated improvements to replacement Hitchhiker, Lab and Cupola from Restock (note, endcap variants are still here!)
  • Recompressed all external textures using higher quality compressor

Tile Tags

There are several tags that can be used for tileStats. More tags will be made available over time, but currently the existing ones are as follows:

CLEARTAGSClears all existing tags before adding your own (This tag will always be read first no matter the order)

BUILDALLOWAllows the construction of furniture inside/on top of this tile.

UTILITYAllows utility lines for channels to be built on this tile.

DYNAMICALLOWAllows the construction of dynamic furniture items, such as rigging.

INTERIORCan be built from indoor tiles if there is no outdoor route, or it is replacing an existing WALKABLE tile.

EXTERIORCan only be built from outdoors.

WALKABLEDoes not block indoor movement, can be walked through.

FLYABLEDoes not block outdoor movement, meaning entities can fly through it.

POWERProduces power like a solar panel.

NONDEMANDWhen an officer makes a demand, this tile is exempt from possibly being demanded.

QUICKGets built much quicker, rigging for example.

VERTICALCan connect channels (Circuits, fuel lines etc) vertically.

CHANNEL:Connects this tile to a pre-determined channel created within this mod, such as CHANNEL:3

OVERWRITEIf you include this tag it will overwrite any existing tile that has already been loaded into the game with the ID you have given. Whether it is from another mod or the original content.

Furniture IDs

1. Bulkhead2. Airlock (inner)3. Airlock (Outer)4. Table5. Chair6. Bed7. Suit Rack8. Small Container9. Null (don’t use this)10. Null (don’t use this)11. Null (don’t use this)12. Large Container13. Life Support14. Refinery15. Refinery (Supplementary)16. Fish Tank17. Fish Tank (Supplementary)18. Office Desk19. Office Desk (Supplementary)20. Power Cell21. Cables (Obsolete)22. Pot Plant23. Planting Bay (Empty)24. Planting Bay (Full)25. Plant container26. Laboratory27. Laboratory (Supplementary)28. Transformer29. Large Cables (Obsolete)30. Shield Generator31. Shield Generator (Supplementary)32. Shield Generator (Supplementary)33. Shield Generator (Supplementary)34. Fuel Processor35. Pipe (Obsolete)36. Engine Core (Obsolete)37. Injector (Obsolete)38. Ignitor (Obsolete)39. Advanced Power Cell40. Fuel Tank41. Large turret42. Cabinet43. Thorium Reactor44. Thorium Reactor (Supplementary)45. Medical supplies46. Docking Gantry47. Docking Airlock48. Docking Frame49. Kitchen50. Kitchen (Supplementary)51. Food dispenser52. Waste Bin53. Pot plant54. Pot plant55. Pot plant56 Large plant57. Large Plant58. Large plant59. Large plant60. Footlocker61. Lamp62. Basic bed63. Medical bed (currently not in use)64. Rock crusher65. Rock crusher (Supplementary)66. Bathroom67. Waste Processor68. Ice Processor69. Water Tank70. Oxygen Garden71. Poop chute72. Smelter73. Waste Processor (Supplementary)74. null75. Rigging76. Solar panel77. Ladder (Placeholder)78. Glass Chair79. Glass Table80. Glass Bed81. null82. null83. null84. Basic Chair85. Basic Table86. Poor Bed87. Cheap Crates88. Heavy Chair89. Heavy Table90. Heavy Bed91. Heavy Footlocker92. Wooden Chair93. Wooden Table94. Wooden bed95. Wooden Footlocker96. Ore Detector97. Research Desk (Small)

Version 1.0.1 for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1

Released on 2018-03-02

* Updated ModuleManger to 3.0.4
* Updated B9B9PartSwitch to 2.1.1
* Fixed USI/EPL cargo container contents problem
* Cargo container contents can now be switched in flight
* Added a top attach node to the 3.75m cupola
* Added part nicknames to tag lists (Kerbas-ad-astra)
* Added KeepFit patch (Kerbas-ad-astra)
* Improvements to many LS compatability patches (TAC, MKS)
* Fix to CLS patch for 3.75m lab (Kerbas-ad-astra)
* Fixed rotation of 2.5m airlock, observation module IVAs
* Fixed a misaligned kerbal transform in the Mercury IVA
* Removed a hanging techRequired block in the CLS patch
* Increased base leg friction coefficients from 0.5 to 0.9
* Porthole now has basic command module functions (control) but no reaction wheels
* Fixed engineer requirement under localized versions
* Fixed attach node coordinate reversal on 45 degree version of 1.25m multihub
* Fixed endcap misalignment on 4-way Planar version of 2.5m multihub
* Fixed inconsistent foil shader between variants of 2.5m multihub
* Fixed export issues with alpha channels of a few parts

Setting up

To start making a mod you will first need to create a folder. Name it whatever you like, this will be the name of your mod. When you are ready to test your mod you will need to place it into the mods folder inside the game’s main directory. This directory depends on your current OS.




Note: On Mac OS the Library folder is often hidden by default. You can locate it by holding down the option key whilst browsing the ‘Go’ dropdown menu from the desktop.

If there is no folder named ‘mods’ then create it.

If you named your mod NewMod then the directory on Windows should now look like:

Inside your newly created mod folder if you wish to create furniture and tiles, you will need to create another folder named ‘furniture’ and ’tiles’ (all lower case).

Blocs et objets fonctionnels

StationsMod ajoute au jeu une multitude de fonctionnalités qui, même parfois peu intéressantes pour la survie, sauront pimenter votre expérience multijoueur et solo d’un réalisme certain. Il sera simple de vous occuper un bon moment en réalisant de véritables stations fonctionnelles et passer des jours à étudier chaque moyen de détourner ces objets uniques de leur fonction principale.

Clé dynamométrique

Cet objet vous sera indispensable afin de paramétrer chaque fonctionnalité de votre station. Procurez-vous en une avant toute chose.

Store métallique

Ce store saura vous servir de décoration comme de protection. Son animation soignée donnera à vos construction un aspect réaliste des plus exquis.

Écran des départs (éditeur, connecteur)

Soyez certain de ne pas manquer le départ de votre train grâce à cette installation astucieuse. Placez votre panneau, puis un éditeur (la distance entre les deux éléments n’est pas prise en compte). Grâce à votre clé, il sera possible d’utiliser l’éditeur afin d’ajouter chaque départ de train, son type et sa destination. Une fois cela fait, utilisez le connecteur sans fil sur l’éditeur, puis sur l’écran désigné. Le prochain départ y sera noté et disparaîtra une fois le temps donné passé.

Panneau repère

Ce panneau à pendre au plafond, d’une petite taille et totalement modifiable vous permettra de guider et avertir les visiteurs. Choisissez la couleur du fond et de la police, en y notant quelques lettres – en effet, celui-ci n’est pas fait pour exposer des textes entiers.

Panneau de station

Ce panneau, très esthétique et personnalisable, vous permettra de présenter la ou les stations par un certain nombre d’écrits. Par défaut, il est possible d’y écrire : la station actuelle, précédente et suivante ainsi que le nom anglais (puisqu’écrit en kanji). Plusieurs packs de customisation permettent de changer la disposition de ces notations : ajoutant différents champs mais aussi différentes textures.

Distributeur de tickets

Ce distributeur vous servira à acheter des tickets et cartes d’accès à la station. Entrez le nombre de tickets souhaités, payez et le tour est joué. Utiliser votre clé sur le distributeur vous permettra de jouer à un remake du célèbre Tetris !

Portique de station

Pas question d’entrer dans la station sans ticket ni carte : ce portique s’en assurera pour vous. Il oblitérera votre ticket ou scannera votre carte et vous donnera un accès unique à la station. Pas question de frauder ! Le portique se refermera automatiquement après votre passage et empêchera le passager suivant de passer sans ticket.

Ticket et carte

Ce ticket, obtenu grâce à un distributeur, vous servira à passer le portique de la station. Il sera oblitéré pour être réutilisé une deuxième fois par la suite. La carte n’est pas achetable et est illimitée.

Pochette à ticket

Cette pochette vous épargnera l’encombrement de vos tickets en les stockant efficacement, tout en étant utilisable sur un portique une fois remplie.

Montre digitale et analogique

Ces montres vous tiendront au courant de l’heure en toute circonstance, en les prenant simplement dans la main. Choisissez même votre modèle favori : traditionnelle ou digitale ?

Uniforme de contrôleur

Cet uniforme pourra aisément vous démarquer des passagers, même s’il ne vous protègera pas réellement des attaques de monstres.

Furniture Stats

To set the stats for furniture you will need to create a text file named ‘furnitureStats.txt’ (case sensitive) in your ‘furniture’ folder.

(It is important that all text files are done in plain text. It’s recommended that you use a proper text editor.)

Furniture stats are very similar to the tile stats file, with a few more advanced exceptions. Let’s look at the following example:

Here you will notice a few extra lines named BANNED, REQUIRED and CONNECTED. We will explain these in a moment, but if you do not wish to use them, you can leave these lines out completely.

There are three values first defined in the square brackets, separated by commas. The first value is the item ID that you are adding or editing. Refer to the list of currently used ID’s if you do not wish to overwrite existing items. The second is the name of the furniture, and the third is the beauty value (This can be a negative integer). Beauty determines how appealing your station is, and the room value it adds to individual quarters.

After the square brackets you can set the furniture recipe and it’s associated tags. The order of these tags does not matter. Refer to Furniture Tags in the documentation for a full list of supported tags and their function.

The recipe is made up of 20 numbers, one for each type of resource. Refer to Resource Types in the documentation for their order.

CONNECTED has 8 integers that determine which pieces of furniture are connected. For example, a refinery is actually two pieces of furniture joined together. Leaving the number as -1 will mean nothing is connected. Otherwise the number will determine the furniture ID of the connected furniture that will be created/ removed along with the current item.

Note: If you do not wish to use these advanced settings (connected, banned, required) you can leave them out. But if you do want to use any one of these advanced settings, you must include all three lines, and they must be in the order given; connected, banned, required.

Here is an image to help show the adjacent indexes:

Note: Make sure connected furniture also has the same respective furniture id connected, so removing either will remove both. For example, the refinery furnitures connected lists look like so:


BANNED and REQUIRED are the same but with opposite effect. Each bracket ( ) determines a list of required/blocking tiles on adjacent cells (note: Tiles, not furniture). For example, the outdoor large turret is an outdoor furniture, and requires that one adjacent cell have a hull segment or ladder tile present. The required list looks like so:

As you can see, each set of brackets can hold multiple IDs. Likewise, you could write it so that all of it’s surrounding tiles must cannot have any solar panel or rigging, like:

This would mean, if any cell surrounding it contained rigging or a solar panel, it would block construction (Of course we don’t actually want this).

Version 1.3.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.8.1

Released on 2019-11-07

  • KSP 1.8
  • Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.12.1
  • Updated ModuleManager to 4.1.0
  • Updated NearFutureProps to 0.6.1
  • Recompiled plugin to target .NET 4.5
  • Took advantage of new B9PS features (UI, type descriptions) for most mesh switch options
  • Fixed Telescopic Clamp-O-Tron initial rotation being incorrect
  • Fixed missing brace in Coriolis config which broken centrifuge options
  • General UV tweaks and fixes to a lot of parts
  • Added new features to auto levelling bases
    • Some bugs with Auto-Level have been corected
    • Auto-Level can now be bound to an action group
    • Legs can now have FeetPointOutwards specified which constrains the feet to point out of the base
    • Base can now have MinimumAutoLevelDistance specified, which sets the miniumum extension when the autolevel button is pressed
  • New Extras package: StationPartsExpansionMetal
    • Adds a new bare metal variant surface to most parts
    • Flexible sections of inflatable modules remain the same
    • Insulated cargo modules remain the same
    • Adds two new metal-oriented endcap options (Bare and Handles (yellow))

Version 1.0.9 for Kerbal Space Program 1.5.1

Released on 2018-11-05

  • KSP 1.5.x
  • Updated NFProps to 0.3.5
  • Updated MM to 3.1.0
  • Updated B9PS to 2.4.5
  • Removed MiniAVC distribution, version file remains
  • Contract improvements:
  • Observation modules, 1.25m/3.75m cupolas will now fulfill cupola contracts
  • Large lab will now fulfill lab contracts
  • Station/Base contracts that require a greenhouse will now generate
  • Station/Base contracts that require an aquaponics module will now generate
  • Station/Base contracts that require a hab module will now generate
  • Station contracts that require a centrifuge will now generate
  • Increased base science for visual observation experiment, all science should now be sent with one transmission
  • Fixed compatibility of revised stock docking port with IndicatorLights
  • Added missing vesselType to vessels that didn’t have it
  • Fixes experience gain
  • Fixes issues where if there is no VesselType specifying crewed module on the vessel, science experiments will fail
  • Fixed flag for lab replacement
  • Changed rotation of replacement docking port and extensible docking port to be consistent with the original part
  • Small fix to deployable module resource costs: will now round resources, so you are less likely to get issues where you have 1999.999993 resources when you think you have the 2000 needed to deploy
  • Added optional SpinResource and SpinResourceRate to ModuleDeployableCentrifuge — allows specification of a resource and a rate needed to rotate the thing

Dynamic Furniture

Dynamic furniture doesn’t have an interactive animation, instead it’s default idle animation is used as a sprite sheet to determine it’s possible orientations depending on surrounding tiles of the same ID or same circuit/line (Such as cables). If you’ve noticed in game, cables will change their appearance based on surrounding cables, or furniture that connects to power. Any furniture with the DYNAMIC tag will be treated like this. The following sprite sheet should serve as an example (21_0_100_120.png):

As you can see, it is split into two. The second half of the sprite sheet is the same as the first, with the exception that it is connected to another item above it. There may also be some confusion on the 1st, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th sprite. The 1st sprite has no adjacent items to connect to, the others (7 — 10) have only one, in order; NW, NE, SW, SE.

Version 1.2.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.7.0

Released on 2019-04-23

  • KSP 1.7.x
  • Updated ModuleManager to 4.0.2
  • Updated NearFutureProps to 0.5.1
  • Update to Snacks compatibility (LouisCyfer)
  • Change to EPL productivity of habitats (thanks Starstrider42)
  • Updates to USI compatibility (thanks Dan-Shields and Boamere)
  • Removed accidentally included spin resources on small 1.25m centrifuge
  • Fixed collider inconsistency on 1.25m Utility module
  • Propagated new-style foil endcaps from Restock to all 2.5m parts
  • Propagated new-style hatches and airlocks from Restock to parts where appropriate
  • Propagated improvements to replacement docking port from Restock to replacement docking port (note, Metal/Insulated variants are still here!)
  • Propagated improvements to replacement Hitchhiker, Lab and Cupola from Restock (note, endcap variants are still here!)
  • Recompressed all external textures using higher quality compressor

Construction List

If you have added any furniture or tile, it is likely you will want to add that new item to the player’s construction list. You will need to create a new text file named ‘constructionList.txt’ inside your new mod folder. You can refer to other mods for more examples of these files.

(It is important that all text files are done in plain text. It’s recommended that you use a proper text editor.)

The construction list has four categories (Which you can rename). Here is an example of how to add a newly made furniture to the FURNITURE category in the construction menu:

As you can, similar to tileStats and furnitureStats, the category starts with square brackets. The first value determines which category you are editing (1,2,3,4). In this case, the second category which is currently named ‘FURNITURE’. The second value I’ve written ‘FURNITURE’, because I want to keep the name of the category the same. You can write whatever you like to change the name of the category, such as ‘Items’ or ‘ITEMS’ (case sensitive). You do not have to include a name for the category, if you leave this section out, it will keep the name it currently has. Such as:

Next, we have another set of { } brackets, everything inside of these brackets will determine the tiles/furniture to add to the category. Each new tile/furniture is defined with regular ( ) brackets. Inside of these brackets there are three values, the first is the ID, and the second is the type. For example, a Bulkhead’s ID is 1, but a Hull Segment’s ID is also 1, therefore if we want to define it as a bulkhead (furniture) we write ‘1’, else we write ‘0’ for tiles. So to add a bulkhead to this category we would write (1,1,-1), but for a Hull Segment we would write (1,0,-1).

The last value, seen above as ‘-1’ determines the technology that needs to be researched in order to unlock it. If the word ‘CLEAR’ appears anywhere in the { } brackets, it will erase all existing tiles and furniture in the category before adding your own. Refer to Technologies in the documentation for the Tech IDs.

Another example, if we wanted to re-create the current STRUCTURES category, it would look like so:

If you cannot remember the slots in this category they are Hull Segment, Ladder Segment, Bulkhead, Airlock.


Армейские ПесниКлассика пианиноМузыка из рекламыДетские песни из мультфильмовМузыка для аэробикиСборник песен 70х годовДля любимого человекаКлассика в современной обработкеКлубные миксы русских исполнителей3D ЗвукДальнобойщикиЗарубежный рэп для машиныТоповые Клубные ТрекиМощные БасыДискотека 2000Песни про папуХристианские ПесниЗимняя МузыкаМузыка Для МедитацииРусские Хиты 90ХГрустная МузыкаRomantic SaxophoneТанцевальный хип-хопНовогодние песниЗарубежные хиты 80 — 90Песни про покемонаРомантическая МузыкаМотивация для тренировокМузыка для сексаМузыка в машинуДля силовых тренировокПремия «Grammy 2017»

Tile Stats

In order to set the stats of a tile, such as a ladder, or producing power etc, you will need to create a new text file named ’tileStats.txt’ (case sensitive) and place it in your ’tiles’ folder.(It is important that all text files are done in plain text. It’s recommended that you use a proper text editor.)

After creating this file you can set up the stats (You can refer to one of the example mods to view a working example of this file)

Here is an example of the Hull Segment tile in game:

Inside of the square brackets, there are two values which are very important, separated by a comma. The first is the ID number of the tile that you are adding or editing. Make sure you check the currently used ID’s if you do not wish to overlap or change the game’s current tiles. The second value is the tile name, which can be whatever you like.

After the square brackets you can set the tile recipe and it’s associated tags. The order of these tags does not matter. Refer to Tile Tags in the documentation for a full list of supported tags and their function.The recipe is made up of 20 numbers, one for each type of resource. Refer to Resource Types in the documentation for their order.

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